About Us
"The dream of VLR_ APPRL started as a creative outlet for me as well as a way to give back.
I have been a youth pastor in New Zealand for 8 years now and love being able to walk alongside some amazing youth, help them realise their worth, and discover what they are passionate about.
Other hobbies and interests for me are all things creative! I've been deeply involved in music from the age of ten, which led to studying music and also touring and performing, and I have also done a little bit of freelance graphic design and photography.
The seed for VLR came from a conversation about how I struggled finding tees with cool designs/graphics that I also liked the fit of as I am 6ft4. With the price that I had paid for some of my tees, I thought to myself that I could probably just make my own for cheaper and the idea just took off from there. This label has never been about personal gain, I've always said from the start that I want this to be bigger than just me which is why I wanted to find a way to give back. This label is giving me a creative outlet, something to set goals for and dream about, and it is also giving someone else a second chance in a life that didn't start so well for them. Please head over to the Generation Bangladesh page to find out more.
Thanks for joining us on this journey and please contact us at vlrapprl@gmail.com if you have any questions or just want to connect!"
Jaden Hatch - Founder and Owner of VLR_ APPRL